where the fun is. kind of.
What a bland looking page, you think to yourself. You are correct in this thinking, as i am new to this whole webpage thing. expect nothing and you won't be disapponted.

Regardless of it's sloppy appearance, I welcome you to my humble home. Or second home, i should say. My true home lies here. I do not ask much of you, but as you've taken the time to come here, do visit that site. It is nearly double the size in content, and infinately more attractive and tidy.

I have included the absolute basics on this page, they are as follows...
My bio.. More than everything you need to know about me.
How Obsession Rules My Life. A poem -if you can call it that- written by me on January the tenth.
An escape route! Get out alive here.

E-mail me about anything that crosses your mind.

Oh, did i forget to mention my name again? I am Brynn, creator of all evil and cause of all wrongdoings in this horrible world. Hey, I get credit for something, at least...